The Melbournaires

The Melbournaires
Type of post: Club news
Sub-type: No sub-type
Posted By: Dick Bushell
Status: Current
Date Posted: Thu, 16 Jun 2016
May was a big month for the Melbournaires; not only did we make welcome nearly 70 new Australians to become citizens of Manningham City, we held our major recruitment drive under the heading “Real Men Sing.”

We also had the pleasure of hosting Richard Reeve, Dan Milgate and Gareth Hearn, to assess choruses and judge quartets for entry to the Newcastle Convention. Ably organised by our own Rob Lee, the sessions saw our quartet Boardwalk qualify for the Open competition, while Harmonic Motion, a relatively new Melbournaires quartet, qualified for the Senior competition. The three choruses Melbournaires, Between The Bays, and Western Melbourne Mens Chorus, received not so much assessments but plenty of useful tips and information, which hopefully will improve performances. We thank Richard, Dan and Gareth for spending so much quality time with all the barbershoppers.

The “Real Men Sing’ evening, predominantly promoted by Roger Archman, was disappointing in numbers but likely to produce a handful of excellent voices, one young man already having passes the audition. Doug Moody held the audience spell bound with his explicit explanations of  the art of barbershop singing, and the joy of belonging. They then enjoyed the heart-warming experience of listening to the melodious harmonies of the Melbournaires before being invited to join in.

The evening coincided with the 25th anniversary of the founding of the Melbournaires, and our rostered ladies of the night, under the supervision of pocket dynamo Sue Lee, provided not only the regular monthly surfeit of scintillatingly salubrious supper, but a carefully candled cake, enjoyed by all.

Terry Phillips