All contest entries  are now facilitated online via

Regional Contests 

Qualifying contests are held each year at Regional Contests to qualify quartets to compete in the National Contest.

Each quartet will need to be properly registered with BHA and its members will need to be fully financial members of BHA as of the date of entry to the Regional Contest.
Regional Contests will take place during the period March - June 2024 and qualifiers for the National Contest announced on or about 1  July 2024.

Invitational Choruses and Quartets may also enter Regional contests but will need to contact the relevant ADM if needing assistance with entry.  Check with each region for their local arrangements.

Entering a contest is on the assumption you have read the relevant Standing Orders and understand the conditions of competing.

Quartets and Choruses should check Standing Order 6 for eligibility criteria to enter various BHA contests in 2024.

Please contact the BHA Administration Officer, Russell Jones ( to register your quartet (if not registered already) and ensure your individual quartet member BHA memberships are financial and up to date. This needs to be completed well in advance before an entry into a contest is possible.

Similarly BHA Chorus membership needs to be up to date.

If you haven’t used the contest entry portal before, please note it is a two-step process to set up the user login.   Remember – only one person per ensemble needs to access and complete the entry.

Please contact the Administrative Judge (ADM) assigned to the relevant regional contest and/or Linda Vinall ( if you have any questions about entering your Regional Contest.
Please note the closing date for your regional contests.  

Victorian Region
23-Mar-24 to 24-Mar-24
Entries Open: 21-Feb-24
Entries Close: 10-Mar-24
ADM Judge: Linda Vinall (

Western Region
4-May-24 to 5-May-24
Entries Open: 17-Mar-24
Entries Close: 20-Apr-24
ADM Judge: Russell Jones (

Central Region
11-May-24 to 12-May-24
Entries Open: 17-Mar-24
Entries Close: 27-Apr-24
ADM Judge: Paul Adams (

Eastern Region
25-May-24 to 26-May-24
Entries Open: 31-Mar-24
Entries Close: 11-May-24
ADM Judge: Richard Wadick (

Sunshine Region
Entries Open: 17-Mar-24
Entries Close: 11-May-24
ADM Judge: Angie Schonegger (

Tasmanian Region
31-May-24 to 1-Jun-24
Entries Open: 6-Apr-24
Entries Close: 17-May-24
ADM Judge: Linda Vinall (

Video Entries:  in the case of last-minute illness or other valid reason for not being able to compete in person at a regional, a request for a video entry must be made via the Administrative Judge. All video entries will be judged as part of the TR regional contest.  All approved submissions must be in accordance with Standing Order 7.

Please contact VP Contest & Judging, Ian Mulholland ( if you have any other general questions about contests or the judging process.
