National Council |
President: Dan Millgate Email: OVERALL STRATEGY & CHAIR OF BHA COUNCIL .... - Provides leadership and inspiration to Council and the general BHA membership - Represents BHA's interests with the Barbershop Harmony Society (BHS) and at the BHS International convention and other official functions - Oversees BHA Vice Presidents who ensure that BHA programs are implemented at all levels - Monitors and ensures efficient and timely accomplishment of all administrative functions and activities of BHA - Establishes annual priorities and goals for BHA and reports progress to BHA Council and members - Chairs meetings of the BHA Council and of the Association VP Youth Development: Jo Oosterhoff Email: PROMOTION OF YOUTH BARBERSHOP IN AUSTRALIA .... - Implements all BHA youth programs and assists Clubs in working with music educators and school administrators to seek out education opportunities for young people under 26 - Implements national systems to aid the establishment of harmony singing groups, and opportunities for them to perform in festivals, workshops, clinics, club shows, and contests - Organises Regional and National youth festivals with VP Events and establishes and maintains contact lists of Youth Co-ordinators and interested schools; and develops school contact programs - Lobbies for the Barbershop style of a cappella singing to be introduced into school curriculums and develops media and resource packs for schools, universities and Clubs. Secretary: Angus Edwards Email: CORRESPONDENCE - LEGAL AND STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS ... - Functions as the BHA business manager - Receives and replies to correspondence to BHA as appropriate - Maintains records of Council meetings including the AGM - Registers and maintains current records of Clubs, Choruses and Members - Updates the BHA Website where necessary. - Oversees the BHA Administrator role Treasurer: Trevor Bruger Email: FINANCIAL MANAGEMENTS ... - Manages receipts and payments and control of BHA's cash resources - Maintains BHA's computerised accounting system to produce monthly management reports - Produces an annual budget and records expenditure and income against the budget for reporting to the BHA Council on a monthly basis - Produces annual statutory financial statements VP Marketing & Development: Ky McIntosh Email: OVERALL PROMOTION OF THE BARBERSHOP GENRE IN AUSTRALIA ON BEHALF OF BHA ... - Communicates who BHA is, what it does, why it does it, and how it makes a difference - Oversees national and local media relations, community relations, publicity, internal communications, etc - Runs the BHA social media pages (Facebook, Instagram & LinkedIn) - Produces regular e-newsletter for distribution to members - Liases with VP Events to produce marketing materials and campaigns for annual festivals - Manages and implements the BHA brand identity nationally - Advises Clubs, members etc on marketing strategies and techniques VP Music Education: Kelly Shepard Email: MUSICAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING ... - Supervises and directs the operations of all activities involving music education and quartet and chorus development and performance - Promotes the musical education and growth of BHA in accordance with its stated objects and purposes; including designing and co-ordinating all music activities to improve and expand the musical knowledge and performance abilities of the membership - Co-ordinates, monitors and maintains effective music training programs and materials, including organising international and national music educators and coaches for all BHA members - Manages Harmony Academy and other similar BHA training activities VP Events: Richard Wadick Email: CO-ORDINATION AND MANAGEMENT OF EVENTS ... - Manages the effective planning, site selection and operation of BHA conventions and associated events - Supervises festival organisation, co-ordinates all festival events and assists with the management of the festival committees - Advises organising committees and Council on all matters related to festival, including but not limited to, scheduling, planning, venues and marketing - Provides overall co-ordination and oversight for BHA events such a regional competitions and workshops and visiting educators and quartets performance tours - Liaises with the Chairman of the Australasian Guild of Barbershop Judges (AGBJ) to allocate judges to contests, both Regional and National, as required VP Membership: Paul Adams Email: MEMBERSHIP GROWTH AND RETENTION ... - Implements, plans and programs to stimulate new members to join BHA - Assists existing members with retention and membership strategies - Works with the VP Music to ensure that BHA has a music (development) program designed to keep committed members engaged in Club activities, including Music Director and Section Leader training, rehearsal planning, retreats and workshops, coaching, and public performances - Facilitates at Club level as appropriate to ensure they have good membership systems (including documents such as visitor packs and new member fliers), and ensures that each Club has a Club recruitment and retention co-ordinator VP Contest & Judging: Ian Mulholland Email: The VP Contest & Judging is responsible for the organisation of BHA contest and judging functions and acts as the Chairman of the Australasian Guild of Barbershop Judges. |