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Mr Alex Morris


Club Details
Role(s): Member
Level: Full
Status: Active

Alex completed a Bachelor of Music (Composition) at the University of Western Australia in 2009. Since then he has been active working with orchestras, arts companies and festivals, most recently holding the position of General Manager with the Stonnington Symphony. Alex is in demand around the world as a vocal coach working with ensembles, teaching classes and running workshops with regular appearances as faculty at the Barbershop Harmony Society Harmony University. In 2022 Alex was inducted into the Barbershop Harmony Australia Hall of Fame.

Alex is the former Music Director of Vocal Evolution, leading them to three Barbershop Harmony Australia gold medals as well as former Music Director with Geelong Harmony Chorus (Sweet Adelines Australia, shOUT Youth Chorus and cult choir sensations Shania Choir and The Shanties Choir who regularly tour Victoria and further abroad.

Alex was a member of the Sweet Adelines Australia Regional Education Faculty as well as the BHA Education Faculty. In 2013, Alex became the first non-North American certified Barbershop Harmony Society Music Judge. A sought-after arranger, Alex is regularly commissioned to write new works and arrangements and sells his music to ensembles around the world.

Performing regularly as Bae Marie, Alex has used queer performance art to develop interactive experiences for children and adults alike. Bae Marie is a hot mess by name and a hot mess by nature creating unique concept-based drag. Bae has done the rounds performing in Perth, Sydney, Hobart and Melbourne.

Alex has made a name for himself as a DJ spinning high energy sets with a presence behind the decks to match. In December 2021 Alex launched Sunday School which is a monthly performance platform for emerging queer DJs in Naarm.

He has a passion for education and loves nothing more than to share the joy of music.

Inactive memberships and participations

Membership: Former Member of The Melbournaires Barbershop Chorus Inc (club)

Membership: Former Member of Vocal Evolution Inc. (inactive club)

Membership: Former Member of Club at Large (club)

Participation: Inactive Director, coach, choreographer, etc, Inactive Tenor with Vocal Evolution (inactive chorus)