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Dr Dan Millgate

Member, Judge - Performance

Club Details
Role(s): Member, Judge - Performance
Level: Full
Status: Active
Office(s): President
Committees/Teams: National Council (Team leader)
Regional Chairs (Team leader)
Quartet Details
Quartet: The Electric Barbercats
Role(s): Baritone
Status: Active
Inactive memberships and participations

Membership: Former Member of Vocal Evolution Inc. (inactive club)

Membership: Former Member of Gold Coast Harmony Inc (club)

Membership: Former Member of Club at Large (club)

Membership: Former Supporter of Boulevard Harmony (club)

Participation: Inactive Bass with Sound Connection (chorus)

Participation: Inactive Baritone with Vocal Evolution (inactive chorus)

Participation: Participant of Vocal Evolution Youth Chorus (inactive chorus)