High Altitude Harmony

High Altitude Harmony
Type of post: "In Harmony" Newsletter
Sub-type: No sub-type
Posted By: Dick Bushell
Status: Current
Date Posted: Sun, 19 Apr 2020
Well I’m not going to labour the point about the interesting times we are living in. Members of the fifth estate are doing a sterling job of scaring the bejesus out of everyone anyway.

Here at HAH headquarters we have been agonising over the decision that was made to close down rehearsals and performances by BHA but, we understand the reasoning.

A couple of our quartets have been meeting via the internet to keep in touch as much as anything and the full chorus has bitten the bullet and last Thursday evening HAH as an entity had its first “Virtual Rehearsal”.

To say it was interesting is an understatement. However, after a few false starts and some very ingenious backgrounds created by the more tech savvy members we had a catch up and then broke out into various virtual rooms to have Section practice on that good old polecat, Hello Mary Lou. It went pretty well and we all found it different listening to one’s self warbling away instead of having your mate beside you so that note matching was possible.

Our Bass Section Leader, Dean has had contact with a couple of other choruses and joined in on their virtual rehearsals and provided all of us with a lot of sensible advice regarding how to work this 21st Century, gee whizzery.

I know everyone in the chorus is looking forward to next week to see how much better we are at this virtual rehearsal lark and also probably the most important part catching up with all of our mates.

To titillate your senses I have included a screenshot of the majority of the chorus enjoying the rehearsal, albeit some rather puzzled faces can be spotted.

Don’t forget we try to post interesting stuff on our web-site, haharmony.com.au for everyone’s entertainment and education. Check it out. And don’t forget to visit us on Facebook.

Paddy Boxall