Hills Harmony

Hills Harmony
Type of post: "In Harmony" Newsletter
Sub-type: No sub-type
Posted By: Dick Bushell
Status: Current
Date Posted: Mon, 18 Feb 2019

Hills Harmony Roundup

At the AGM our Hills Harmony stalwarts again put their hands up to volunteer for executive roles within the club. Peter Garnett starts his eighteen year as Treasurer, Dick Bushell is again our BHA representative, edits this communication newsletter for BHA nationally and is focusing on generating performance opportunities for us.  Phil Montgomery continues as Secretary, answering our fan mail and David Farley is President, taking up the batten again from Dick.  Our members want to publicly acknowledge the effort these tireless workers put in to keeping Hills Harmony thriving.  We recognise it and thank them.

Adding a little Spanish flavour, Dave Farley has been our “Ill Presidente” recently undergoing surgery which has been a great success.  Dave is up and about and most importantly it has not affected his singing voice.  There are a couple our members who are developing ailments but we all try to “carry on carrying on” and get up on the risers with a smile.  It really does make us feel better.

Our Christmas party social night was a great way to thank our partners for their support during the year and the open mike gave everyone an opportunity to shine in different ways.  I am honoured to have received the Hills Harmony “Barbershopper of the Year” award.  A spectacular shield among the tiny number of awards I have collected.  Exciting to think an old guy with crook knees can still make a contribution and be appreciated for it. 

Our executive team is busy planning our year’s activities and we are looking to have a booking once a month or even more regularly if we can achieve it.  We are busking, giving concerts, continuing our outreach efforts with Wollongong Men’s Chorus and taking every opportunity to spread the joy of singing with others.  Look out for us around the traps.  Hope you all have a wonderfully harmonious 2019.

Paul Meller
Vice President
Hills Harmony