Miner Chords

Miner Chords
Type of post: Club news
Sub-type: No sub-type
Posted By: Dick Bushell
Status: Current
Date Posted: Mon, 20 Aug 2018

Harmony at the Ipswich “Miner Chords”

Over the last year or so the Miner Chords have been quietly adding new voices to their chorus and most of them have been women.

This blending of welcome voices has now made a further step forward, with our first female office bearers taking their place on the committee. This has been welcomed, as now for the first time in recent memory, we have been able to fill all positions.

This “new blood” augers a bright future as already our MD has signalled the introduction of a much more modern repertoire.

Things may be done a little differently from now on and we look to our future with enormous positivity.
Thank you to all the retiring office bearers for making this possible!

Howard Kennedy (Secretary)


I am with the Miner Chords in Ipswich, Qld.  I have just been elected President. Our chorus has several female members - including me.  As I am new to singing with a men’s chorus (but not new to Barbershop) We had a wonderful mentoring session on Wednesday 15th August with Richard Reeve from BHA who mentored us first through a Committee Meeting and got us thinking about future directions and how to approach the issues common to all Barbershop Choruses.

At 7.00 we changed focus to the chorus itself and we performed our songs for Richard to get his feedback.  He was very helpful, both to our MD and to the Chorus itself - he had us rehearsing individual notes at one point.  Amazing.  It really was amazing what a difference that made - and what discipline it took for us to just sing one note and not to keep right on singing - which is what we were busting to do.

At the end of the night we were exhilirated by what we had learned and we had a rather rambunctious and happy rendition of “Keep the Whole World Singing”.

Norid Krausz - President