Rebranding Our Association

Rebranding Our Association
Type of post: News
Sub-type: No sub-type
Posted By: Kevin White
Status: Current
Date Posted: Tue, 26 Jun 2012

What is this new name and logo all about?

Logos are an important part of an organisation’s public image.

Common sense and standard industry practice dictate that maximum public impact can only be obtained through the consistent use of a single, recognisable logo.

The name and logo of an organisation have two distinct audiences.

The first audience is the members of that organisation. To this group of people, the name and logo give a focus on which they attach their membership. It has heritage, giving a sense of history and origins. It represents ideas of those who have gone before and also the work which they have done.

The second audience is basically everyone else – our potential audiences and our potential members. They are most in need of a name which grabs interest and informs, as it is they who we are trying to attract to our concerts and to join us.

Why did we need a new logo?

For many years, many of you may have had the experience of needing to explain the old AAMBS name and logo and describe what AAMBS meant.

Your National Council thought long and hard about the best ways to represent our organisation – to you, the members, to the general public who needed to be able to identify with us, and to the world-wide barbershopping fraternity, and we are thrilled to be able to move ahead with this exciting new branding.

Therefore, we decided that we should have a public “trading name” which succinctly informs who we are and what we do.

Barbershop Harmony Australia Logo

What does this all mean?

Branding is more than simply getting a new name and logo onto your letterhead.

We still have a way to go to bring the operation of our organisation up to date, and your National Council is working hard on many other ideas. The first step, though, is to reinvigorate our brand name. It is what we want people to think and feel when they see us or join us, or any representation of us. It is all about the philosophical considerations such as organisational values, target audiences, target recruits, etc. We want you, the members, to be proud to be a part of this wonderful organisation.

The current association name and logo will not cease to exist; rather, AAMBS will simply have a new name and logo that is more contemporary from a design point of view, more informative to those who see it for the first time, and more in line with the visually pleasing, simple and descriptive logos in use in the 21st Century.

It is important to restate that AAMBS will remain the official name of our cherished organisation. It will remain the name for bank accounts, incorporation etc. The new name and logo will be a trading name, our “brand” – Barbershop Harmony Australia!