Education Faculty Team

Education Faculty Team
Type of post: News
Sub-type: No sub-type
Posted By: Daniel Beckitt
Status: Current
Date Posted: Thu, 16 Mar 2017
Barbershop Harmony Australia (BHA) is starting up a new program to send skilled individuals to every club once a year to aid our choruses in developing their skills musically, vocally, in performance as well as offering organisational guidance and mentoring.  We want to be able to touch base with our members and provide a forum to engage with BHA leadership. This group of individuals will be known as the Education Faculty and the visit will be of no cost to your club. Like any coach coming to visit, you will need to provide food, accommodation and transport for the duration of the visit.
The Education Faculty Program has been run for many years, very successfully, by Sweet Adeline’s International. We want to take advantage of this great initiative and run this program as well.  We look forward to giving our members more opportunity to engage with BHA leadership and provide easy access to more education. This program will also allow us to gather information from the membership that will provide us with much needed data to help the BHA Council devise outstanding events for the membership.
Before we can get started on sending Education Faculty to our clubs, the council needs to develop the Education Faculty team. If you are interested in giving back to our organisation and think you have something to offer this team, we are now taking applications. Simply click on this link and fill out the online application form for the BHA Education Faculty. You will need to also email your Music Resume to
All applicants will need to meet the following criteria:
  1. Held a directing position (Frontline or Assistant) in a barbershop chorus
  2. Been a member of a barbershop organization for more then 5 years
  3. Is actively coaching quartets and choruses
  4. Have a reference from a certified judge or a BHA Councilor
The deadline for receiving applications will be on the 31st March 2017.
In Harmony,

Andrew Howson
Vice President, Music
Barbershop Harmony Australia