Keep up to date

Type of post: | News |
Sub-type: | No sub-type |
Posted By: | Dick Bushell |
Status: | Current |
Date Posted: | Thu, 16 Feb 2017 |
Over the last two or three years, it has become the responsibility of each club to update its details in the BHA database. This has cut administrative costs.
At the beginning of the new year, each club is asked to please take the time to update its contact details, office bearers, member email, address, phone number, emergency details, etc. Many clubs, for example, will have recently conducted an AGM.
Updating Club, Chorus and Member Details
Please take the following steps:
- Ensure either (a) your club uses HarmonySite ( to manage itself and its members, or (b) you have nominated at least one member of your club to be responsible for maintaining current club and member information on the BHA website. If you do not have either of these options in place, please contact Mark Virtue, our Webmaster, on 0411 170517, or
. - With one of these options in place, please check your club and chorus details, and each member’s current contact information – either via your HarmonySite or via the BHA website. Ensure that all of the following are up-to-date:
- Club contact details
- Club office bearers
- Member email, address, phone number, emergency details, etc.
If you do not know how to update these details, please contact Mark Virtue (details above).
Thank you for your assistance in completing this task.
Trevor Rootes - BHA Secretary