Four Tune Finders

Most Improved Quartet at the 2024 BHA Nationals, Gold Coast, QLD

Hobart, Tas

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Four Tune Finders
The Four Tune Finders launched in Hobart in April 2023 and just months later won the Australian Novice Quartet award at the PanPacific Barbershop Festival in Auckland. They backed up this success in 2024 with the Most Improved Quartet award at the national Barbershop Harmony Festival on the Gold Coast.

This talented group has been performing regularly around Hobart, carving a niche in the resurgent a cappella scene. With a diverse repertoire of classic and contemporary songs they are excited to share their love of close harmony with Tasmanian audiences.
Club: Southern Tasmania Harmony Club Inc
General public contact: Rohan Hutchinson

0416 982 311
Area of operation: Tasmanian Region
State: Tas