
Type of post: News
Sub-type: No sub-type
Posted By: Dick Bushell
Status: Current
Date Posted: Sat, 3 Mar 2018

We have some new initiatives planned for 2018 to support the engagement of the wider Barbershop membership with the future of our wonderful organisation.

More information will flow over the coming months but here is a snap shot of the key initiatives:


  1. Enhancing the profile of the Club Member of the Year, Club of the Year and the BHA Medal that was launched last year and awarded to Mr Mike Donnelly.   Our members and clubs are the foundation of our association and so many do amazing things in support of their community, clubs and the wider BHA family.     The current awards are intended celebrate and acknowledge those members but variability in timing and lack of clarity in criteria makes it difficult to give these awards the national prominence they deserve.   Our task is to work with clubs to improve this recognition framework and enhance the acknowledgement of those exceptional contributors.

  2. Understanding our members and gaining feedback on our future direction is critical to enhancing our position within Australian harmony.   A major survey has been designed to explore the views of members, clubs and regions and inform the strategies for Barbershop within Australia.   We anticipate this being the first of an increased emphasis on understanding wider views of our members.

  3. The piloting of the “Membership Advisory Council” to engage more deeply in matters that affect regions, clubs and clubs, to explore in greater depth critical issues from a local perspective, to share knowledge across Australia, and to input into the National Council deliberations and decision-making process.

More details will be provided in the coming months and we look forward to working with you in the advancement of Barbershop within Australia.


Paul Adams
VP Membership